In collaboration with the world-renowned New York City Ballet (NYCB), PUMA recently launched their latest ballet-inspired En Pointe collection with Selena Gomez.
Tapping into the celebration of International Women’s Day and empowering women through fitness, PUMA and NYCB organised a special ballet training session with one of the NYCB soloist, Unity Phelan.
Unity, who was in Malaysia as part of the PUMA x NYCB’s tour across Asia, mentioned that NYCB’s partnership with Puma would help to highlight the fitness aspects that are involved in the life of ballet dancers and bring the art form to the masses.
Unity also believes that PUMA’s involvement in ballet resonates well with PUMA’s ‘DO YOU’ campaign which aims to inspire more women globally to celebrate power, strength and individuality.
The En Pointe collection consists of satin sneakers, light sports bras, and athleisure products — all of which are designed not just for ballet enthusiasts but anyone who wishes to benefit from dynamic flexibility and powerful movement.
The PUMA x NYCB En Pointe collection is now available in PUMA KLCC, Pavilion and Sunway Pyramid.