The Samsung Galaxy Space is finally open to the public from 3 March, 7pm to 12 March, 10pm & Samsung Malaysia Electronics invites you to APW Bangsar for an extraordinary experiential adventure.
Dive into four immersive spaces – The Alley, The Ballie, The Escape, and Splash Art – where you can snap baller photos, indulge your playful side, explore the coolest nightscapes, and let your creativity run wild.
Be the coolest photographer in your squad and let the Galaxy S23 Ultra camera unlock your full potential.
Capture mind-blowing low-light shots that will make your friends go “woah”.
Be sure to slay this photography game by showing us your unique style and share your epic moments using #GalaxyS23 #ShareTheEpic #Send2MeLah #GalaxySpaceAPW.
Join Giveaway Galaxy S23 Ultra with #TeamGalaxy
For even more excitement, Samsung collaborated with some of #TeamGalaxy members for a social giveaway!
So follow them closely on their Instagram and TikTok to learn how you can create epic content at Galaxy Space and win amazing prizes, including a brand Galaxy S23 Ultra.
- Alexhkf – IG @alex_hkf/ | TikTok @alexhkf
- Caedon Yeong – IG @caedonyeong/ | TikTok @caedonyeong_
- Chang Yong – IG @changyonggggg/
- Shusen – IG @wshusen/
- Aniq – IG @aniqshr/ | TikTok @aaaniiqqq